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Apply upgrades

Follow this guide when upgrading Ory Kratos to a newer version.


Back up your data! Applying upgrades can lead to data loss if handled incorrectly.

  1. Review breaking changes.
    Visit the to see if breaking changes have been introduced in the version you are upgrading to.
  2. Backup your data.
  3. Update the Ory Kratos SDK if used in your application.
  4. Install the new version of Ory Kratos.
  5. Run kratos migrate sql to run the SQL migrations to the new database schema.

Should you run into problems with the upgrade, consider a stepped upgrade and please visit the community chat or start a discussion.

In Ory Kratos v0.7 the cookie behavior has changed. Review changes in the exemplary self-service user interface.
Visit the Cookie Settings document for more information.
